




  • 个人简介


  • 研究方向


  • 科研成果

1. 科研项目:















发表研究论文50余篇,其中SCI检索论文20余篇,EI检索10余篇. 代表性论文:

(1) Zhou J, Pei Z*. Experimental study of the piezoelectric drop-on-demand drop formation in a coaxial airflow. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2020, 147: 107778.

(2) 熊祥章, 裴泽光*, 陈革. 基于形状记忆合金丝包覆纱的针织物致动器研究. 纺织学报, 2020, 41(5): 50-57.

(3) 周健, 裴泽光*. 同轴气流作用下压电驱动式微滴喷射行为的实验研究. 上海交通大学学报, 2020, 54(2): 200-210.

(4) Pei Z*, Xiong X, He J, Zhang Y. Highly stretchable and durable conductive knitted fabrics for the skins of soft robots. Soft Robotics, 2019, 6(6): 687-700.

(5) Pei Z*, He J. Experimental study on the formation of core-spun yarn manufactured on a modified vortex spinning system. Textile Research Journal, 2019, 89(21-22): 4383-4397.

(6) Pei Z*, Chen G. Numerical investigation on the flow field of a modified vortex spinning system for producing core-spun yarns.Textile Research Journal, 2019, 89(19-20): 4028-4045.

(7) 何建, 裴泽光*等. 喷气涡流纺金属丝包芯纱成纱过程的在线观测与分析.纺织学报, 2019, 40(5): 136-143.

(8) Pei Z*, Zhang Y, Zhou J. A model for the particle-level simulation of multiple flexible fibers moving in a wall-bounded fluid flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2018, 80: 37-58.

(9) Sun L, Pei Z*. Effects of structural parameters on the tangentially injected swirling flow in concentric tubes with different lengths as a model of the vortex spinning nozzle. Textile Research Journal, 2016, 86(12): 1241-1258.

(10) Pei ZG, Tao XM*. Measurement of yarn twist based on backward light scattering and small-angle far-field diffraction. Measurement Science and Technology, 2015, 26: 125005.

(11) Pei Z*. Designing the spindle parameters of vortex spinning by modeling the fiber/air two-phase flow. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering - Transactions of the ASME, 2014, 136(3): 031012.

(12) Pei Z,Yu C*. Numerical study on the effect of nozzle pressure and yarn delivery speed on the fiber motion in the nozzle of Murata vortex spinning. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2011, 27(1): 121-133.

2. 专利



(1) 一种织物压力感应阵列. 发明专利申请号:202010962767.8,2020.

(2) 一种用于直行抓棉机的棉包搬运及排放的装置和方法. 发明专利申请号:202010766263.9,2020.

(3) 一种基于针织物致动器的仿尺蠖软体机器人. 发明专利申请号:202010528523.9,2020.

(4) 具有织物皮肤与折纸骨骼的仿蠕虫气动式管道软体机器人. 发明专利申请:202010528220.7,2020.

(5) 一种纤维状柔性应变传感器及其制备方法. 发明专利申请:202010420987.8,2020.

(6) 喷气涡流纺纱装置中纤维导引体及其制造方法. 发明专利号:201711389638.9,2020.  

(7) 一种用于直行抓棉机的棉包自动排放机及棉包自动排放方法. 发明专利申请号:201911264359.9,2019.

(8)  一种柔性织物压力与应变复合传感器. 发明专利申请号:201911146333.4,2019.

(9)  喷气涡流纺纱喷嘴内纤维运动状态实时观测装置及方法. 发明专利号:201810127312.7,2019.

(10)  一种可生产金属丝包芯纱的喷气涡流纺纱装置及方法. 发明专利号:201710614912.1,2019.  

3. 参编书籍:

(1) 参与编写. 纺织机械设计基础,中国纺织工业出版社,2020.  

(2) 参与编写. Computer simulations: Advances in research and applications.  Nova Science Publishers, 2018. 

(3) 第二主编. 纺纱机械(第2版),中国纺织工业出版社,2012.

  • 获奖情况

1. 香江学者奖, 2014.

2. 上海市优秀博士学位论文, 2013.

3. 中国纺织工业联合会科技进步奖一等奖, 2012.

4. 中国机械工业科学技术奖二等奖, 2013.

5. 上海市科技进步一等奖, 2009.

  • 讲授课程

1. 机械设计基础.

2. 纺织机械设计.

3. 新型纺织机械.

  • 联系方式

